I’m just not creative … ah, but you really are!
All Aboard!
Do you feel like you're always "bringing up the rear" when it comes to being creative or perhaps you think you're not creative at all? Or maybe you’re aware of your talents, but you’re feeling stuck or “off track.” Either way, it's time to hop aboard the Creative Caboose, where I'll serve as your Certified Creativity Coach to help you become your own Creative Conductor. You'll learn how to get your creative locomotive engine going, blow your own horn and even jump the tracks if that's what you choose to do. This is where you can safely shelter your creative ideas.
What is creativity coaching?
Creativity coaching helps you move beyond your everyday patterns. To think differently. To take risks. To go beyond your ordinary routines. To be all you’re meant to be and achieve amazing results. Through the coaching process, you’ll be guided and supported in establishing your style, vision and goals and the steps necessary to achieve them. It’s about empowering YOU, motivating you, and achieving clarity to take action and move forward. Sometimes all you need is someone with whom you can be held accountable, be it your personal or professional life.
Inspirational and action-oriented books
“Unlocking Your Creativity” is part of the “Idiot’s Guides” series, which simply means it’s written in a way that’s easy to follow and understand. This book will gently guide you to realize and fulfill your own creative potential. I’ve written it in a way that will help you remove any intimidation you may feel when tackling your own creativity. “Shine Your Light—Your Guide to Creative Inspiration, Inner Wisdom & Happiness” is a weekly guide book to help you find answers to life’s challenges, to live more fully and creatively, and to simply feel more alive—every day. Read more here.
A creativity coach
helps you bloom by
• assisting you in understanding and getting past your creative blocks and barriers that prevent you from starting or completing your projects
• helping you work through obstacles, such as fear and anxiety, that limit your creative mind
• motivating you to fulfill your creative desires and meaningful projects
• inspiring you to pursue your creative dreams and expand their impact
• supporting you to live your creative potential